Participating with Jesus in His mission
“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” -Jesus (John 20:21)
At the beginning of 2020, a group of 20 young professionals came together with a burden to bless people in the University Place and greater Tacoma community. They began studying the needs of the community, the gifts of the team, and how to live a Jesus-centered life according to the Bible. They embraced their missional identity as a church to participate with Jesus in bringing hope and wholeness to the world personally and collectively. LifeBridge was born.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the team postponed finding a worship gathering venue, so they could provide a free dental clinic for the community. Lives were changed… so they did it again. Over $125,000 worth of Free Dental Care was given to the Tacoma community before LifeBridge even began gathering weekly for worship. Church was becoming a way of life.
LifeBridge continued to find ways to serve. They provided free eye exams and prescription glasses to over 100 people experiencing homelessness. They came alongside families in the community to help them raise their kids as servant leaders. They launched groups where people found authentic community and grow into a Jesus-centered life. The LifeBridge Team continued to grow.
After gathering for worship outside or in a temporary location once or twice a month for over year, God opened the way to rent their current venue in University Place.
LifeBridge is a church for the community. They embrace people from all backgrounds as they journey together into a Jesus-centered life.
Come join the journey to “Live a Life that Changes Others Forever!”
See every person receive a meaningful invitation into a Jesus-centered life
A multiplying movement of disciples, leaders, groups and churches
Our Values

Am I being changed in the presence of Jesus daily?

Am I intentionally building friendships and praying for people where I live, work and play?

Is following God's word my top priority?

Am I investing my time, talents and treasure to bring health, hope and wholeness to others?

Am I building authentic relationships with people from different racial, political, socioeconomic, generational and religious groups than me?

Am I empowering the passion of those younger than me?