Become the person Jesus dreams for you to be!
Find encouragement and empowerment in the LifeBridge Community
LifeBridge Church
Live into a Story bigger than yourself
Grow in community
Put Jesus at the center
Multiply your impact
Gather with lifebridge church on saturdays
9:45AM Connection Cafe
10AM Adult and Youth Small Groups
11AM In-Person Worship Gathering
Get a Reminder
Invite a Friend
We Believe in You!
Jesus is working in your life! If He wasn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
Wherever you are in the journey, we’re here to encourage you!
Jesus is working in your life! He is giving you desire to connect with Him. We are here to encourage you in your journey with Jesus into wholeness, transformation and purpose.
LifeBridge is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational community that welcomes people from all backgrounds. Whether you are exploring Christianity for the first time, returning to church, desiring to more faithfully follow the Bible, or wanting to make a real difference in the lives of others, LifeBridge Church is here to help you experience the fullest life Jesus has to offer.

Become Part of Something New!
LifeBridge is a new church in the process of starting! Help us become a church geared for people from our community who are not part of it yet… especially people like YOU.
We currently have in-person worship gatherings weekly
Next LifeBridge In-Person Worship Gathering
Date: Saturday, December 25
Time: 11:00am
Location: Olympic View Baptist Church
4707 Elwood Dr W
University Place, WA 98466
We welcome people from all backgrounds:
- Exploring Jesus for the first time
- Re-engaging with the church
- New to the area
- Desiring to more faithfully follow the Bible
- Wanting to make a real difference in the lives of others
Our gatherings last about an hour. You will find:
- Friendly, encouraging people
- Authentic worship through music and prayer
- Inspiring highlights of blessing people in the community
- Transformational and reliable teaching from the Bible
- Hope leaned into and lived out in everyday life
As you walk in the door, you will be warmly welcomed by a LifeBridge team member. They will be happy to briefly get-acquainted (for as long or short as you would like), answer any questions you may have and show you where to go.
Worship is about what’s on the inside, not the outside. We have no dress code. Some come casual, some dressed-up. Come in what makes you comfortable.
We hope that from the moment you arrive, you’ll feel like family.
Adults can be authentic. Kids can be kids. All ages worship together.
We are multi-ethnic and multi-generational with lots of kids and young adults.
LifeBridge Gatherings include people who are new to Jesus/Bible/Church
And people who have been journeying with Jesus for years
We’ll use language you understand and share things that will help you live for Jesus in your everyday life.
Church is not a building or a worship program. The church is a group of people together on mission with Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20). As we live out that mission, we gather together to connect with others, grow with Jesus and serve our community.
What to look for in a church
Have any questions?
Get in touch with us